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The Click Tour: SOLD OUT

BOSTON,MA-- May 14

AJR are a group of brothers who decided thirteen years ago that they were going to pursue their career. Jack Met, the lead singer, was just an early teenager at the time. They began their musical journey street performing in their local neighbourhood, which happens to be West Village, New York City! More specifically, they street performed right in Washington Square Park. With all of the money profited from street performing, they bought all the production and music supplies necessary to make and record music. Now, After numerous successful singles which includes "I'm Ready", "Weak", and "Sober Up" they stand in front of thousands of fans in a sold out theater tour. This tour is based on their album "The Click" which was repeatedly put down by other musicians for "being too weird" or claiming that "no one would 'get' it", but in turn ended up with a result of chart topping success and a sold out tour across the United States and Canada.

I experienced the very last show at the House of Blues in Boston, Massachusetts. The big take away from this concert compared to others was that they weren't just singing their songs, they as a band were performing a visual art form before your eyes. From the moment I walked through the doors for my meet and greet to the moment they took a bow it

was then an "AJR Experience" and as an avid concert enthusiast, I can say it was one like no other I've experienced. As the top tier of VIP tickets, you were able to enter two hours earlier than general admission. From there you took your photos, had a chat, and took your spot. From there the experience began, you didn't know that girl next to you but by the end of the night you may just be snapchat friends. throughout the show you interact with each extraordinary opening acts, getting you hyped up for AJR to come out and when they do its like being at a party with the boys.

When you go to a concert you would typically DREAD the opening acts because you just want to see what you came for! This was a huge exception, as usual with the unique band of brothers. The opening acts were show stopping, maybe not what you came for but definitely a way to get hyped up for AJR. The opening act that stood out the most, performance wise was singer/songwriter MAX. He came out sparkling like a star in the night sky (believe me I'm not exaggerating). He is not just a singer, he is a performer. He utilized the entire stage and had the entire crowd singing along with him! This is exactly what you want from an opener because most of the audience won't know your music. MAX helped get everyone excited an energized just before AJR came on.

When AJR came on Jack looked absolutely shocked, the room was packed to its maximum capacity. They opened up with their overture, per usual with their album based shows. The overture played before you could see them, following was the performance of their song "Come Hang Out" and the crowd went absolutely crazy. There was a point in the performance

where they utilized the lights on the big pyramid behind them, moving lights and cubes to the sound of the music. One other big aspect of the show that stuck out was the huge speech the lead singer Jack Met made before performing the extremely nostalgic feeling song "Turning out" which talks about growing up, how they've turned out, and how they're still growing as individual people and as a group.

The speech read ...

" I know we joke around up here, we have fun. but I wanna take a second and tell you guys a serious story. so throughout our career we've been labeled as many different things. Thirteen years ago we started out street performing in the parks of New York City, where we're from. and when we did that, everyone around us our teachers, friends said "Thats cute, thats cute that'll pass" and then we started to write music, we took the money we made street performing we bought pretty much everything you see hear, anything necessary to make music we brought it to our living room and we started writing songs there..... everyday for the next 8 years we worked really hard on our hobby. and then we got discovered. the song we played before for you "im ready" that went platinum. but nobody was coming to our shows.... so we started getting labeled as a one hit wonder and thats when we really got back to work. we went to our living room and started writing songs about topics that people weren't talking about... eventually we wrote our album "The Click". Now before the clip came out we got a ton of reception some people in the music industry. Every single one of them said this, they said quote guys you can't release this is too weird and no one's gonna get it" ..

Now this speech was more than impactful, it stood as the epitome of who this band is and what they stood for. You could see in every single persons eyes that they were proud of the band that they've come to love today. Wether they found out about the band yesterday or four years ago, They have seen the growth this band has experienced in the past 13 years of their career. This speech touched the hearts of many and demonstrated the pride the band has for how far they have been able to bring their career, their dream into a reality. AJR has been an inspiration to many and a role model to so many more.

The performance was remarkably unique, and the experience is one that cannot be duplicated. AJR are shaping lives and the way we all interpret successful music, they are a band to keep your eyes opened for.

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